Senior Design Team sdmay20-34 • Open Source .NET Blog
We are designing an Open Source .NET Blog for Cylosoft Inc. based in Ames, IA. They have been using a previous .NET blogging application, but it is outdated and missing some features. This is where our project comes in. We are designing a blogging system based off .NET Framework 4.8, using an MVC setup, and are required to include: Bootstrap 4.3, CKEditor, Microsoft Identity, MSSQL, and Razor pages.
The functionality of our application will include the following. A main home page which will show the most recent blog posts. These posts will also be sortable based on categories/tags. An archive page which will show posts marked as deleted, but are still present on the database. The admin panel will contain the driving power behind the application. From this panel you will be able to Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) ALL posts. Be able to view all comments and approve/deny them. CRUD the categories/tags. Manage users/profiles across the application and change their roles. CRUD rights, which determine certain abilities that the Administrators, Editors, or Users can do. Finally, site settings which includes things like changing themes, which email messages get sent to, etc.